How to cope with injuries psychologically?

Elizabeth Yen
2 min readAug 27, 2018
Image Credits: Unsplash

You are an active person, you love sports, you love the adrenaline rush you get from working out, feeling good about flushing out all those toxins in your body, pushing your limits, feeling happy that your body is in shape and forming your next goal to conquer in your mind.

But oops, an accident happens/you got injured somehow, life messes you up and all these come crumbling down.

“Why me?”

You fall into despair, you feel miserable about what happened to you and why did that happen to you. You want to blame someone or something for your mishaps.

Life doesn’t give the hardest battles to the toughest soldiers, toughest soldiers are made. through life’s hardest battles. — unknown

Acceptance, learn to accept what has happened and embrace it. What happened has already happened, it cannot be undone nor can you go back in time. It is just another obstacle that you have to overcome in life.

Reach out, ask for a listening ear, you will realise that you are not alone in this and that many people have to go through far worse situations.

Gratitude, appreciate what you still have because you are extremely lucky to have been born with a healthy body, strong 4 limbs and working 5 senses. Not everyone was born this privileged.

Adapt, learn to work with your flaws, turn them into lessons and grow from them.

Visualise, believe in the healing powers of your body. Your body has been working, mending and doing amazing things for the past x years of your life without you noticing. Your body will continue to serve you well, just put your faith in it.

New beginnings are disguised as painful endings. — Lao Tzu

Road to recovery is going to be long, painful and a little unbearable. Be patient, find the fight in you and look forward to healing.

Speedy recovery!

*Motivational Song: Rachel Platten — Fight Song

** Note that: NEVER leave your injuries to heal by itself/self diagnose without consulting a professional! Find out what you should do to recover.



Elizabeth Yen

Herniated discs survivor. Fighting physical pain daily.